Sunday 16 February 2014

I heart Christmas by Lindsey Kelk

I thought I would do a review of Lindsey Kelk's latest book as I wanted to share with those of you who have not yet had the pleasure of meeting Angela Clark from the I Heart series.

Lindsey has created a character in Angela who is just like one of your friends. Angela doesn't always make the best decisions, she doesn't always look her best and but she always wants the best for her friends and family. Angela has to be one of my favourite fictional book characters. I love that she gets drunk, swears and gets irrate over silly things. Of talking to her best friend Jenny Lopez (no not that one!) ...(from page 13) "'Of course I'll come, you daft cow,' I replied, lifting up her legs and dropping onto the sofa. Clearly I was going to have to go along, if only to make sure she didn't accidentally fall on someone's penis en route. 'I just don't want you to rush into anything that's permanent. Life changing.' 'Like running away to New York without knowing a single soul and ending up married to the one and only decent man left in the Tri-State area and landing your dream job?' She pursed her lips and raised her eyes to the ceiling. Ooh, the sneaky cow would use my own silver-lining fuck-ups against me".

This latest offering from the I Heart series is set in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Angela is beginning to have suspicions that her colleague and good friend Delia is up to something at work, throw in her parents who she tries her best to avoid want to come and visit for Christmas and her arch  nemesis rearing her glamourous head and it's shaping up to be a rather chaotic time for Angela.

Without giving much more away, you like me will instantly fall for Angela's sarcastic, rude and dry humour. She tells it like it is but she does have a lot of love for her nearest and dearest.

To really make the most of this book I would suggest starting with I Heart New York, the first book in the series to understand the back story to this book. 

I always heart reading Lindsey's books. The characters are instantly loveable and full of humour and realism. I really can't say much more other that I Heart This Book! xXx

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